The truth is, most of us have only recently learned about the phases of our cycle (or we still haven’t heard about it at all). Unlike men, who have consistent, stable hormones all month (and year) long, us uterus-havers are on a constant roller coaster of hormonal highs and lows every week and month of our lives.

While this may sound a little out there (and you know, because you’re living it), when we learn about the phases of our cycle and how they affect us emotionally, physically, and energetically, we can align our lives, our energy, and even our beauty routines with our cycle. After all, we are literal portals of life, and our hormones help guide the natural cyclical flow of our energy and emotions. Just like the moon, our energy will wane when we're meant to relax and recharge and will be fully illuminated when we're meant to create and share our energy with others. 

So, let's align with that divine flow and rest when we need rest, socialize when our energy’s high, organize when we’re feeling like nesting, and schedule that date when we’re feeling the vibes. And for those few days (or week) when you cry over the last cookie, or break up with your partner because they breathed too heavily, you’ll know why (and be prepared before it actually happens).

Aaaaand since life is supposed to fun, we’re sharing our favorite ATHR Beauty makeup looks that align with the energy of each phase – because why not make everything about makeup, am I right?!

cycle syncing your makeup - menstrual phase makeup

Menstrual phase – inner winter

Lasts 3 – 7 days

As you know, the menstrual phase is when you’re crampy, tired, and literally losing the inside lining of your uterus. And while I'm sure it could all get done in a day, your cycle is dramatic and draws it out over 3-7 days. 

In this phase, your hormones are at their lowest, and so is your energy - you may feel more introverted and just generally inward-facing. You might be tired, achy, irritable, and just annoyed that you aren’t lounging on a fluffy blanket being fanned and fed cake while you regain your strength.

The best way to thrive through this phase is to focus on rest and calming, low-impact activities like restorative yoga, meditation, walking barefoot in the grass, or just literally sleeping.

So, menstrual makeup is all about ease and calm – looks you can put together in 10 mins or less that soothe your soul and let you slow down for a few mins in the morning.

Get the Look

Makeup artist @bethwalker_makeupartist used our Citrine Crystal Eyeshadow Quad to create this eye look photographed by @itskirstinanne.

Follow with a few coats of our Big Bang Mascara on top lashes, white eyeliner in the waterline, and our Desert Rose Lip & Cheek Stain in shade 'Harmony' on both lips and cheeks for that low-key, effortlessly clean girl aesthetic. Think Lindsay Lohan's glow-up personified, except in under 10 minutes. 


follicular phase makeup - cycle syncing

Follicular phase – inner spring 

7-10 days

Our favorite week of the month, the follicular phase starts after menstruation and lasts for 7-10 days. As estrogen and testosterone levels rise, you start to feel smarter, with more energy, focus, confidence, and motivation. You’re ready to take risks, create, be social, and connect with other people.

Now’s the time to start that new project, take a big leap, and go all in with that new idea.

This is your most creative, adventurous phase and the perfect time to try some of those colorful out-there makeup looks in your IG saved folder. It’s also when your skin is glowiest – no highlighter needed, friends.

Get the Look


  1. Apply shade 'Sol' from our Summer Solstice Crystal Eyeshadow Palette all over the lid as a base. 
  2. Brush shade 'Balance' into the crease, blending upwards and outwards. Apply the same shade along the lower lash, blending upwards. 
  3. Apply shade 'Sapphire' from our Moonlight Crystal Eyeshadow Palette on the lid, stopping at the crease. 
  4. Pop shade 'Moondust' in the inner corner, in the center of the lower lash line, and along the brow bone.
  5. Finish with multiple coats of our Big Bang Mascara on the top lashes. 


For a true nude lip, apply concealer to lips first (hello 2008), then smooth on our brand new Aurora Glow Lip Oil, a deliciously indulgent, collagen-boosting lip treatment that softens, smooths and imparts a glossy, natural pink tint. 

Finish with a pop of our Desert Rose Lip & Cheek Stain in shade 'Harmony' on the cheeks.


Ovulatory phase – inner summer

2-3 days

This is the big event of your menstrual cycle and the reason for the whole saga – it’s when the egg is released into the fallopian tube. As estrogen and testosterone continue to rise to their peak, you feel confident, social, and flirtatious. 

During ovulation, you're magnetic and effortlessly charismatic - very much the main character of your own life. This is the phase for dramatic, seductive makeup looks that radiate the unstoppable I’m-that-girl energy you’re effortlessly serving.

Get the look


  1. Apply shade 'Amber' from our Summer Solstice Crystal Eyeshadow Palette all over the lid.
  2. Brush shade 'Midsummer' along the lower lash line and dust 'Amber' overtop. 
  3. Pop shade 'Citrine' in the inner corner. 
  4. Finish with black liner along the waterline and multiple coats of our Big Bang Mascara


For the glossiest red apple lip, use our Desert Rose Lip & Cheek Stain in shade 'Courage'. While it's fresh, tap your lips with your fingers and apply what's left onto your cheeks. 


Luteal phase – inner fall 

14 days  

Oh, the luteal phase – joy to the freaking world. In the first half of this phase, you’re still riding the ovulation high and feeling good, then gradually you move into a more relaxed, nesting phase – think organizing, decorating, color-coding (we’ll cause this the Home Edit moment).

Then, as the second half ushers in, doomsday looms. This is the phase we all dread – you’re moody, you’re sensitive, you want to break into the cupcake shop and devour every last red velvet, you want to cancel all your plans, quit your job, and you may suddenly hate the sound of your boyfriend's chewing. 

The good news is, when you know this phase is coming, and you align your energy and your plans with what your hormones are going to do anyways, this phase can be a whole different experience.

So, to thrive in this phase, guiltlessly say no to big social gatherings, put off any big decisions until it’s over (think mercury retrograde energy), and spend time doing comfy, cozy things you love while connecting with yourself. Cook yourself a warm, comfort meal (or just order in), spend some time journaling, have baths, and allow yourself to slow down and just be. Give your body and energy what it wants, stop resisting what is, and just enjoy the more low-key vibes.   

Makeup-wise, let’s channel all the inner ire into some deliciously moody makeup looks. Use your hormonal power for good and not evil - take that emotional angst out on your eyeshadow and turn your hormones into art. I mean, it's worth a try, right? 

Get the look


1.   Apply ‘Scorpio’, from our Rose Quartz Crystal Eyeshadow Palette all over the lid, blending upwards and outwards, and also apply a smudgy layer along the lower lash line with a fluffy brush. 

2.   Dust the shade 'Vibes' overtop of 'Scorpio'.

3.  Buff in ‘Sandstone’ along the edges of your shadow to blend and soften the lines.

4.   Apply a few coats of our Big Bang Mascara on top lashes and just a smidge on the bottom lashes, focusing on the ends.


1.   Brush the eyeshadow shade ‘Scorpio’ along the lips and follow with Desert Rose Lip & Cheek Oil Stain in shade 'Harmony'.

2.   Using your fingers, take some color from your lips and pat onto your cheeks.