You know those little cards at the crystal shop that tell you the meaning/benefits of each crystal? Do you ever wonder how they come up with these meanings? And how the crystals actually work? Keep reading to find out:
Crystals ARE science. They're formed through truly amazing natural processes often involving molten rock and millions of years. The molecules that make up the crystals we love have been used for thousands of years in skincare for their calming, rejuvenating, and illuminating properties.That's why we infuse every product we create with genuine crystals so you can experience their skincare benefits and vibration-raising energy all day long.
Keep reading for the science and skincare benefits of each crystal in the ĀTHR Beauty lineup.
All of these best selling products are infused with Rose Quartz – the stone directly connected to your heart chakra. This is the center of love for yourself and others. One of the most commonly blocked chakras, rebalancing it can awaken a lot more love for yourself and the people around you. Paint your lips and lids with the stone of love in romantic, ethereal shades that feel like love itself.
How Rose Quartz is Formed:
Rose Quartz is formed when silicon dioxide is mixed with small amounts of iron, titanium or manganese. When this solution gets trapped inside a lava bubble and the water evaporates, the silicon and oxygen ions arrange themselves into a crystal pattern.
Rose Quartz For Your Lips and Skin:
Rose Quartz helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, redness, and fine lines.
Infused with Black Diamonds, the highest vibe stone of all, our Big Bang Mascara is designed to align your crown chakra. Diamonds connect you with the infinite consciousness that you are - uniting your body, mind, and spirit. Get out of this world lashes + an otherworldly glow, AND do it with vibration-raising Diamonds of course.
What Makes a Diamond?
Diamonds are formed when molten carbon cools quickly under the earth's crust. They're the only gemstone made of just one element - carbon.
Diamonds for your Lashes:
The strongest gemstone on the planet, black diamond adds its strength and vitality to lashes + a diamond-level crystalline shine.
Infused with Amber, this desert dream aligns with both the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Known as nature's purifier, Amber transforms negative, blocked energies into positive, vibrant energy. It helps remove toxicity from our mind, body, and spirit. Paint your lids with rich golden bronze tones and a pop of poppy pink coral and channel the warm desert sunset
What Amber is Made Of:
Trees form a resin to protect their trunks from insects and parasites and heal damage. Over time, this resin becomes the fossil we call Amber.
Amber for your skin:
The succinic acid found in Amber is a powerful antioxidant. It helps fight the damaging effects of free radicals on your skin.
Infused with Citrine, this warm, luminous palette aligns with both the Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra. Known as the stone of manifestation, Citrine awakens your intuition and fills you with the energy to manifest your vision. It's one of only two crystals on Earth that never need to be cleared as they hold only positive energy frequencies. Drench your lids in golden, bronze goodness with a side of crystallized good vibes.
What Citrine is Made Of:
A part of the quartz family, Citrine ismade of silicon dioxide. Trace amounts of iron give the stone its sunshine yellow/orange hue.
Citrine for Your Skin:
Citrine helps your skin renew itself by releasing toxicity and restoring radiance.
How To Get The Most Out Of Crystals:
Crystals work best if they're not left to do all the work by themselves. For the highest benefit, pair the crystal's natural energy with your own clear thoughts and intentions. It's proven that where thought goes, energy flows. So, use your crystals to amplify your positive thoughts and intentions.
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